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If your goal for 2024 is healthy skin, you must do this! 2024 dermatologist healthy skin new year skin care goals Jan 01, 2024

Hold on, can you believe another year has slipped away already? It's January 1st, 2024! I think one of the pivotal moments indicating that you are aging is when you can't stop talking about how fast time flies by! Well, I guess I'm there.


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2 steps to find your healthy skin care habits! affordable skin care products healthy skin skin care goals skin care habits skin minimalism Oct 30, 2023

Who hasn't been lured by marketers and influencers based on the promise of healthy, beautiful skin? I know I have! But the question remains: what does it truly take to achieve beautiful skin?

I'm often asked by patients and friends, "how do I...

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New Year's Resolutions- set yourself up for success! 2023 gap and gain mentality goal making new year's goals new years resolutions skin care goals the gap and the gain Jan 02, 2023

Wow, I am still in shock that we are already embarking on a new year (insert eyes wide open emoji please)! My sense of time has really been warped since COVID. Anyone else with me?! Nonetheless, this is always a welcome time of year for me as the...

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