The Power of Self-Image
Oct 23, 2023
What do you think of when you hear the words 'self-image?' Perhaps how you look, how you feel, what you do or your status in society? Our self image is essentially the labels we place on ourselves, some based in facts, and others not so much! Our self-image shapes our perceptions of ourselves and how we interact with the world around us. And for better or worse, our self image is often equated with our aesthetic appearance.
But what happens when our appearance, our looks, our youthfulness fades with time and the seasons of life? Often times, our self-image takes a hit. We no longer feel radiant, confident and self-assured. We can spiral into self loathing and doubt. We may even seek out expensive, unnecessary, and life changing procedures in an attempt to regain what was lost, always disappointed with the results. Always chasing an unrealistic expectation.
Let's take a closer look at how we internalize our external appearance and aesthetics in today's society:
1) The Aesthetic Pressure
From an early age, we are bombarded with images and messages that define beauty in a specific way. Magazines, advertisements, and social media promote narrow beauty ideals, leading many to feel inadequate if they don't conform to these standards.This pressure to meet these unrealistic beauty norms can be really tough and hurt how we feel about ourselves.
2) The Confidence Connection
A positive self-image, especially in terms of aesthetics, is closely linked to confidence. When we're confident, we carry ourselves with self-assuredness. On the flip side, if we don't feel good about how we look, our self-esteem can drop, which can hold us back in our personal and professional life.
3) Mental and Emotional Well-being
How we see ourselves can greatly affect our mental and emotional well-being. If we have a negative self-image, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. But if we embrace a positive self-image, it can help us build resilience and have a more positive outlook on life.
So how can we harness aesthetics to be empowering and enhancing of our inner beauty, rather than tear it down? Here are some ways to foster this empowerment:
Social Media and Digital Awareness
Much of what we see online today is highly filtered and photoshopped! No pores on someone's skin? That's the magic of airbrushing! Look with a discerning and skeptical eye at online images that look too perfect, because they are not real! -
Self-acceptance: Who wants to look, dress, talk, and act like everyone around them? Embrace your uniqueness because that is what makes you special! You don't need to be a cookie-cutter image of your friends and peers. Self-acceptance is the foundation of a positive self-image.
Healthy Self-care: Let's move beyond 'looking good' and really advocate for health first and foremost. The funny thing is that when we put our health first, we look and feel better, too! This includes exercise, proper nutrition, and self-care routines that promote physical and mental health. The rest will follow!
Supportive Communities: Don't go it alone! In this day and age of virtual reality, sometimes you just need a real connection with someone. Fortunately there are ample communities and groups out there for just about every niche and special interest. Find your people either in person on online who have similar values to you. They can act as your support system, sounding board and accountability partners when you need support. And in case it needs to be stated, leave those groups that don't build you up or align with your values.
Mentorship and Role Models: People are watching you everyday. If you have children, you know this already! They watch and model what they see you do. Be sure you are modeling the behavior and values you want to instill in your family and friends. And find someone who is modeling the behavior you want to exemplify. A super confident and poised girlfriend or co-worker, take her to lunch and learn as much as you can from her experience!
While we can do a ton of things aesthetically to get our external appearance to match how we feel internally, when we have low self worth and a poor self-image, it's a never ending battle. Instead of focusing externally on how we look, a better approach is to first work on how we feel internally. Easier said than done right?!
By focusing on the 5 pillars above, we can reframe our self-identity to be one that values health and wellness rather than external narrow beauty standards. Because the true essence of 'beauty' lies in authenticity, individuality, and self-love - not a cream or injectible!