Productivity Hacks For People Who Have No Time!

productivity productivity hacks May 06, 2024

Ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending game of catch-up, trying to balance work, family, and everything else life throws your way? Trust me, I've been there too. We fill our schedules to the brim, multitasking our way through endless to-do lists, all in the name of productivity. But what if I told you that being busy doesn't always equate to being productive? 

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some people seem to effortlessly manage their busy lives while still achieving their goals. How do they do it? I recently discussed this with Dr. Ann Tsung, who, like many of us, wears multiple hats—from NASA flight surgeon to productivity coach, podcast host, and more. She boils it down to three things: simplifying, setting goals, and cultivating good habits. Let's delve into each and see how they can transform your life!

1) Eliminate and Delegate

First things first, you don't have to do it all yourself. Seriously! Take a moment to assess your daily routine and identify any tasks that are taking up your time and energy without adding any real value. Whether it's mindlessly scrolling through social media or tackling loads of paperwork, ask yourself: is this really worth my precious time? If the answer is no, it's time to eliminate or delegate. Whether it's seeking the help of a virtual assistant or getting your kids involved in household chores, sharing the load can free you up to focus on what truly matters!

2) Create Your Goals

Alright, let's talk about goals. I'm not just talking about those New Year's resolutions that fizzle out by February. I'm talking about real, tangible goals that keep you moving forward, day in and day out. Take a minute to jot down your top five goals for the year, covering all aspects of your life – personal, professional, family, you name it. And here's a pro tip: write them down and put them somewhere you'll see them every day. Trust me, it makes a world of difference. But setting goals is just the beginning. You've also gotta take action! Whether it's carving out time each morning to take care of your top priorities or using the Pomodoro technique to stay focused throughout the day, find what works for you and stick with it.

3) Cultivate Productive Habits

Now, let's talk about habits. We all have 'em, good and bad. But when it comes to productivity, it's all about cultivating the right ones. Whether it's leaving your phone out of the bedroom to improve your sleep quality or practicing mindfulness techniques to reduce stress, small changes can add up to big results.

 And if you ask me, progress isn't always about making huge leaps forward. Sometimes, it's about taking small, consistent steps in the right direction. So don't beat yourself up if you're not hitting every goal right out of the gate. Just keep showing up, day after day, and watch as those small wins start to add up.

How to Eliminate Distractions and Stay on Track!

Feeling overwhelmed with distractions? It happens to all of us! Saying yes to everything often means saying no to what truly matters—like your goals and quality time with loved ones. Take about an hour every morning just for you. Write down five things you want to do that day to get closer to your goals. It helps you stay focused! 

Phones and emails can be big distractions.Try keeping your phone out of your bedroom and moving your email app to a place where it's harder to check. This can help you stay on track. When you're with family, be with them fully—no work stuff. And when you're working, focus on that. Stick to your schedule, too. By cutting out distractions and setting clear boundaries, you'll get more done and feel better about it!

A Simple Breathing Technique to Relieve Stress

When you're feeling stressed, try 4-7-8 breathing exercises. Here's how it works: breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds. Do this four times. What's key is that your exhale is longer than your inhale. Afterward, you'll feel calmer and less reactive. It's surprising how such a simple technique can be so powerful. Give it a try! It's similar to box breathing, just with a longer exhale.

Join me on the podcast this week with productivity expert Dr. Ann Tsung as she shares her top productivity tips for busy moms, including creating more time, and essential stress-busting tips for everyone out there! 

A new podcast episode drops every Monday!

For more great skin care tips, subscribe to The Skin Real Podcast.

Find Dr. Tsung here:


IG: @anntsungmd



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